Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES)
Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project is a research and development project designed to develop Filipino children who are equipped with scientific and technological knowledge, skills and attitudes; creative and have positive values; and lifelong learning skills to become productive partners in the development of the community and society.
The Project aims to:
- provide a learning environment to the gifted and talented through special Mathematics and Science curricula which recognize multiple intelligences geared towards the development of God- loving, globally competitive, nationalistic, creative, ecologically aware, scientifically and technologically-oriented and skilled individuals who are empowered through lifelong learning skills;
- provide the gifted and talented learners with avenues, opportunities and exposures for developing necessary skills and aptitudes;
- capacitate school heads and teachers in implementing and managing SSES schools; and
- develop SSES program models for both the regular schools and SPED centers.
DO 57, s. 2011